Sunday, June 21, 2009


Greetings Nobles All:

Nobles and Ladies I cannot believe how fast the first half of the year has gone. We are working hard to have the Burger Wagon ready by July. Trim painting remains and we will be having another work party shortly. Thurston Mason Shrine Club Picnic will be held at the Masonic Hall this Year on June 26th. Huber’s was previously booked and we adjusted. Please bring your families and any prospective Nobles. This is a fun event every year. Camels Milk will start at approximately 6:00 pm. However Noble Ben Schatz and Rod Mason will surely be early for Camels Milk. Nobles please sign up and volunteer to assist on the Burger Wagon, Noble First Vice President Damien Kolb will be thankful for all the assistance we can give him!!!
Enjoy your summer and the Burger Wagon at Lake Fair and we will see you at the meeting in September.

Noble President, Ross

DUES AND DUES CARDS. They are printed and I will have them at the picnic; I have spiced them up a bit, I am sure you will approve. I will with Jay Stewart’s assistance get those cards to the Nobles who need them. If you have not paid dues for 2009, please do so as soon as you can.

SELL THEM RAFFLE TICKETS! We are looking forward to a good year with the car raffle and the assistance of all Nobles is needed to ensure its success. It is time to get selling! If you have not done so you can pick up your tickets at the next stated meeting!

NEED A JACKET. President Ross has gathered the information and has the order sheet. It only needs the commitment of one more Noble in order to get the order sent in. Surely there is more than one Noble amongst us who needs a new coat for the upcoming year. These are sharp looking coats with custom embroidery; and you will not be disappointed. The order sheets and information will be available at the picnic, be sure and get yours. Prices start at $65.15 and go up from there for larger sizes.

BURGER WAGON. Work on the burger wagon is progressing. Ross with the help of Nobles Damian, Sam and Guy to name a few have put in some work to assist Ross in his diligence in painting the wagon with some brighter colors to get it ready for the upcoming Lakefair.

The picnic is on Friday, June, 26th.

We always meet on the Fourth Friday each month.
We are dark June, July and August.

Meetings are held at:
Olympia Lodge #1 Masonic Center, 521 North Street, Tumwater

Camel’s Milk starts at 6:00 P.M. and Dinner at 7:00 P.M.

For questions and more information contact Ross Retzlaff, President – 2009 at e-mail or call him at (360) 923-2564 and REMEMBER to look at the website for up to date information at

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